Selasa, 28 April 2020

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda (Part-3)

Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 semester satu dengan kunci jawaban bagian ketiga yang sedang Anda baca, merupakan lanjutan Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya bagian kedua (soal nomor 16-30). Selain itu, bagian ke-3 berisikan materi bahasa Inggris tentang kinds of expression, analytical exposition text, dan lain-lain.

Berikut, contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester ganjil untuk siswa SMA/MA/Sederajat, dimulai dari soal nomor 31.

Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

No. 31 to 40 based on the text below

The Importance of Rainforests

Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognized worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain nearly three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforests cover only about six per cent of the Earth’s land surface.
Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insects and birds than any other environment found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in rain forests. Unfortunately, the widespread destruction of many of the world’s rainforests has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.

Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 per cent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from the rainforest’s treees. If larege areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, he average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rainforests into a sparse grassland or desert. Rainforests are als able to absorb over 90 per cent of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.

Rainforests are vital to the Earth in helping to recyle carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas put into the air globally by humans, mainly by the burning of fossil fuels (for example in cars and factories). Rainforests are able to remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place. This is why our global rainforests are often called the Earth’s “lungs’. Rainforests are major producers of the Earth’s oxygen. In fact, scientsists believe that nearly 50 per cent of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by rainforests in the Amazon region alone.

Nearly 40 per cent of the world’s carbo is contained in the trees of the rainforests. As rainforests are cut down and burned, carbon dioxide is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Eventually, as this gas builds up the atmosphere, leading to what scientists call the enhanced greenhouse effect. To sum up, the role of the rainforests is essential for human life. It creates equilibrium in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings survival.

(taken from SOSE: Studies of society and environment, 2000)

31. The text above is best entitied....
a. Rainforest, the Complicated Environment
b. The importance of Rainforest
c.  Rainforest are Vital to Humans
d. Rainforest are cut down and burned
e. Rainforest
Jawaban: b

32. The main idea of paragraph 1 is....
a. rainforests cover about six per cent of the Earth’s land surface
b. nearly three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth live in rainforest
c. rainforest is a complex environment where living and non living things live
d. none of the options are correct
e. rainforest is the important natural sources
Jawaban: c

33. Rainforest are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. The underlined word has the closest meaning to....
a. main
b. complex
c. complicated
d. surrounded
e. minor
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: kata yang artinya mendekati kata major adalah main

34. Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. The underlined word can be replaced by....
a. inform
b. provide
c. react
d. control
e. divide
Jawaban: c

35. Which paragraph should you read to find the amount of carbon in the rainforest?
a. Paragraph 2
b. Paragraph 3
c. Paragraph 4
d. Paragraph 5
e. Paragraph 6
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: paragraf kelima menjelaskan tentang jumlah karbon yang ada

36. The climate condition is affected by the existence of rainforest. In which paragraph can you find this idea?
a. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 3
d. Paragraph 4
e. Paragraph 5
Jawaban: c

37. If large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop (paragraph 3).
The word these refers to....
a. rainforest’s trees
b. climates
c. rainforests
d. moistures
e. desert
Jawaban: a

38. Eventually, as this gas builds up the atmosphere, .... (paragraph 5). The underlined word can be best replaced by....
a. at first
b. lately
c. in the middle
d. in the long run
e. next
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: kata eventually bisa digantikan dengan kata lately

39. The writer’s aim to write this is to....
a. argue about the importance of rainforest
b. expose analytically on the importance of rainforest
c. inform us on the importance of rainforest
d. compare different rainforest in the world
e. persuade the reader
Jawaban: a

40. The text above is a .... text
a. narrative
b. analytical exposition
c. recount
d. descriptive
e. procedure
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: teks the importance of Rainforests adalah sebuah analytical exposition

41. I am very pleased, thank you. The statement above is to show....
a. pleasure
b. happines
c. pain
d. release
e. agreement
Jawaban: a

42. I am suffering from a headcache. The statement is used for....
a. showing sadness
b. showing pain
c. asking advice
d. giving suggestion
e. showing expectation
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: Kalimat I am suffering from a headcache digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa sakit.

43. The correct expression to show pain....
a. I’m very pleased, thank you
b. I’m sick
c. Congratulations for you!
d. Look!It’s dangerous
e. Don’t go there!
Jawaban: b

44. Which of the elements of analytical exposition....
a. thesis
b. steps
c. materials
d. goals
e. description
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: thesis adalah elemen teks analytical exposition

45. That man.... is standing under the tree is my uncle
a. whom
b. which
c. whose
d. who
e. where
Jawaban: d

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